Family · Miscellaneous

Jerusalem Mill

Water, sticks, rocks, and dirt…it’s a child’s heaven, really. We had a great time at Jerusalem Mill yesterday.

josh-build-dam.jpg Josh building a dam in the creek.

izzy-with-sticks.jpg Izzy with sticks.

lordofthefliesbwcrop.jpglord-of-the-flies.jpg See any resemblence? Our Lord of the Flies moment.charlotte-mason-moment.jpgmaggie-singing.jpg A Charlotte Mason moment followed by a Broadway moment. Maggie is singing “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow” a la Annie. The funny part was when one of the boys chimed in on the chorus. I will spare publishing his name…he would never admit to knowing those words anyway 🙂 .

covered-bridge-closeup.jpg We hiked to a covered bridge.

What a wonderful day God provided for us.

3 thoughts on “Jerusalem Mill

  1. I see you all the time and yet these pictures on your blog make me want to cry at how big your kiddos are already. I guess I’ll be there before I know it, too. Love the Maggie Doodle!! 🙂

  2. A very fun way to spend a summer day! I’ve only been to Jerusalem Mill once for mountain biking, and it was beautiful, although it was not summer. It must be a great place to take kids, because when we went the Coleman’s were there with Brooks.

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